Ask a Therapist: What is DOMS?

What is DOMS or delayed onset muscle soreness?

"When your body moves in a way it's not used to (like shoveling after the first snow fall) or if you exert more force and energy than normal (like starting a new years resolution workout plan) you can end up sore. Usually this soreness appears after your activity and can get worse as time goes on. We believe the pain is part of the inflammatory response from the very small tears (microtrauma) to the muscle fibers that occur with higher intensity / unaccustomed activity. Often the pain will peak 24 to 48 hours post exercise and then subside.

Although DOMS is painful, you usually don't need to worry. Try to keep hydrated, stay moving at a lower intensity (walking, easy biking, etc.), and avoid aggressive stretching. If the pain continues past the 48 hour mark, your body might be letting your know it's lingering on the injured side and investigation may then be a good idea."

- Nikki
Certified Athletic Therapist